Can anyone see me?

The idea for “CAN YOU SEE ME?” came to me after I read an article online about a very expensive hotel with very big windows facing an apartment complex. Apparently the people in the apartment complex were upset because people in the hotel with the big windows had sex without drawing the curtains. In my story, however, no one gets upset. In fact, people are very willing to watch the people in the hotel having sex. But that’s because it’s fiction.
Here’s the blurb:
Antonia isn’t a secret anymore, but does that mean that Tony is ready to be Antonia in public? Is he ready for the world to see Antonia? On the other hand, is Cleo ready to seduce a stranger while a restaurant full of people is watching?
Do I have the courage to go through with this?
“Maybe you want more than a look. Maybe you want a feel,” I say.
The man raises an eyebrow.
“Or maybe a taste,” I say, leaning toward him.
He licks his lips, and shifts from side to side.
Am I making him hard? I hope so.
“What do you think?” I say.
“I think that sounds like a very good idea,” he says.
WARNING: What you find in a sexy pair of satin panties might not be what you expect, but it might be what you really want. ‘CAN YOU SEE ME?‘ is intended for a mature audience.