Look up! The future comes from the sky!

I’m happy to announce that, finally, I have finished my first science fiction short story. “THE FUTURE COMES FROM THE SKY” is out for the world to read!!
I have written this story a few years back, circa … hard to remember now but a fair guess is 2014 – 2015. At the time I was re-reading a collection of sci-fi short stories, THE FUTURE I, from 1980, edited by Isaac Asimov, Martin Harry Greenberg, and Joseph D. Olander. There are a few stories in that collection that I’ve read and re-read a hundred times, like THE LARGE ANT, a short story by Howard Fast. So anyway, an idea popped in my head, and I wrote this story. Then I submitted it to a magazine, and it was not accepted, but they sent back some feedback, and I decided to redo it. But many years went by before I was able to sit down with it again and make it better. Six years later, this story is finally seeing the light of day, so to speak. And what a year it is, too! The Covid-19 year, when, I have to admit, thinking about the future – what will happen next month, what will happen next year – gives me no small amount of anxiety, and I’m sure I’m not alone in this.
Anyway, here’s the blurb:
Mihaela Albu is the director of the World Augury Observatory (WAO). She is the voice for the Celestial. It’s her job to tell the future for the world. It’s a job that makes her a target for both fanatical adoration and rabid hatred.
Telling the future can be dangerous, but it’s her past that comes back to haunt her. Confronted by someone she thought she left behind, Mihaela gets a glimpse of a future she could have never imagined, and it will change the way she sees the present forever.
Read “The Future Comes From The Sky” and see a future you never imagined.
See you,
I’m happy to announce that, finally, I have finished my first science fiction short story. “THE FUTURE COMES FROM THE SKY” is out for the world to read!!
I have written this story a few years back, circa … hard to remember now but a fair guess is 2014 – 2015. At the time I was re-reading a collection of sci-fi short stories, THE FUTURE I, from 1980, edited by Isaac Asimov, Martin Harry Greenberg, and Joseph D. Olander. There are a few stories in that collection that I’ve read and re-read a hundred times, like THE LARGE ANT, a short story by Howard Fast. So anyway, an idea popped in my head, and I wrote this story. Then I submitted it to a magazine, and it was not accepted, but they sent back some feedback, and I decided to redo it. But many years went by before I was able to sit down with it again and make it better. Six years later, this story is finally seeing the light of day, so to speak. And what a year it is, too! The Covid-19 year, when, I have to admit, thinking about the future – what will happen next month, what will happen next year – gives me no small amount of anxiety, and I’m sure I’m not alone in this.
Anyway, here’s the blurb:
Mihaela Albu is the director of the World Augury Observatory (WAO). She is the voice for the Celestial. It’s her job to tell the future for the world. It’s a job that makes her a target for both fanatical adoration and rabid hatred.
Telling the future can be dangerous, but it’s her past that comes back to haunt her. Confronted by someone she thought she left behind, Mihaela gets a glimpse of a future she could have never imagined, and it will change the way she sees the present forever.
Read “The Future Comes From The Sky” and see a future you never imagined.