Meet Dr. Diet, Dr. Quiet, and Dr. Merryman

See what you can make of this proverb: “The three best doctors are Dr. Diet, Dr. Quiet, Dr. Merryman.”
Here’s what I make of it:
PATIENT goes to DR. DIET, munching on Little Debbies and carrying a Coke and an assortment of candies, and potato chips, and cheese puffs, and other such etc. He says: “Dr. Diet, I don’t know why but I don’t feel very happy.”
DR. DIET, who is snacking on a banana, and holding an apple in the other hand, and has a bowl of other fruits on his desk, says: “Eat bananas, man, and apples, and spinach, and carrots. I’m perfectly happy.”*
PATIENT goes to DR. QUIET, talking on the phone while typing away at his computer. Without taking his eyes off the computer or putting the phone down, he says: (On the phone) “Hold on a sec, I have to talk to this doctor.” (To the doctor) “Dr. Quiet, I don’t know why but I’m not very happy.”
DR. QUIET shows him a bed, all ready with clean sheets and a comfortable pillow and, without saying a word, he urges the patient to lie down.
PATIENT: “I don’t have time to sleep. I’m too busy.”
DR. QUIET shrugs, lies down on the bed, and goes to sleep. He’ll look happy when he wakes up.*
PATIENT goes to DR. MERRYMAN, dragging his feet, a frown pulling his lips down, his back hunched and shoulders dropping. He says: “I don’t know why but I’m not very happy.”
DR. MERRYMAN, jumping from one foot to the other and displaying a big smile that shows his teeth, says: “First off, start by straightening your posture. Then by smiling. Once you’ve managed that, have fun, enjoy yourself. Start jumping around. I’m perfectly happy.”
See you,