Underwear won’t get you a literary agent

Here’s the message someone left me once:
” Hi Misty, I have a question. Do you think my posing half naked on Instagram playing with your chest and showing the world yourself and your underwear, going to score you a literary agent for your books…and I’m saying this not to offend you.”
I think your posing half naked on Instagram is ok, but your playing with my chest sounds like sexual assault since I’ve never agreed to such a demonstration of affection. And no, I don’t think your showing the world my underwear is going to get me a literary agent. Panties have nothing to do with literature, even though every writer wears them. But if you’re ever in the market for a literary agent, make sure you proofread. Literary agents are terribly fussy about punctuation and spelling. And I’m saying this because it’s good to know.
And here is a shameless photo of my abs. I’m trying to distract from those sexy VS panties that you can see everywhere on the sexy VS models. Those sexy VS models really are showing their sexy panties to the world. And they all have agents.
See you,