Testing is overrated!

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Today a school principal has finally found a quick way to deal with the high illiteracy rate within his school before the parents could find out and get him fired. His fail-free strategy is sure to save not only his job but also thousands of principals’ jobs whose positions have been shaken by the threat of illiteracy.
Here’s the transcript of the conversation that took place between the school principal and a concerned teacher while they were using the urinals. Our very own reporter, MISTY’S HAIR, happened to be in one of the stalls with a bad case of frizzy hair, but, fortunately, Misty’s Hair was able to record their conversation.
TEACHER: I’m afraid it’s not looking too good. Our illiteracy rate is the highest I’ve ever seen.
PRINCIPAL: Impossible! They all look like bright kids.
TEACHER: Well.. we tested them. We gave them books and asked them to read, and only 1 in 10 could read. If word gets out, we’ll be a joke.
PRINCIPAL: Testing? I hate testing. Testing is overrated. I’ll tell you what we’re going to do. It looks to me that the problem is all these books. Get rid of the books and no one will be illiterate. No more testing with books!
Who would have thought books are a problem?!
Stay tuned for more MISTY NEWS!
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Check out MISTY NEWS!
Today a school principal has finally found a quick way to deal with the high illiteracy rate within his school before the parents could find out and get him fired. His fail-free strategy is sure to save not only his job but also thousands of principals’ jobs whose positions have been shaken by the threat of illiteracy.
Here’s the transcript of the conversation that took place between the school principal and a concerned teacher while they were using the urinals. Our very own reporter, MISTY’S HAIR, happened to be in one of the stalls with a bad case of frizzy hair, but, fortunately, Misty’s Hair was able to record their conversation.
TEACHER: I’m afraid it’s not looking too good. Our illiteracy rate is the highest I’ve ever seen.
PRINCIPAL: Impossible! They all look like bright kids.
TEACHER: Well.. we tested them. We gave them books and asked them to read, and only 1 in 10 could read. If word gets out, we’ll be a joke.
PRINCIPAL: Testing? I hate testing. Testing is overrated. I’ll tell you what we’re going to do. It looks to me that the problem is all these books. Get rid of the books and no one will be illiterate. No more testing with books!
Who would have thought books are a problem?!
Stay tuned for more MISTY NEWS!
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