Camel toe is the most searched word on the internet, my sources say

I had a good chuckle today. Someone commented on one of my videos on YouTube something along these lines: “Camel toe is the most searched word on the internet…”
That made me think of this:
Advanced aliens come to Earth. They want to determine if we are mature enough as a species to join this federation of planets. So we, the humans, have to prove we are mature, and that is no problem. We show them our art, our music, our technological advancements, etc. The aliens are impressed. So far so good.
And then…
ALIEN: We are very curious to know why camel toe is the most searched word on the internet.
THE SMARTEST HUMAN REPRESENTATIVE ON OUR PLANET: Um…the camel…um…is not a very beautiful animal…um…but it has very beautiful feet, and the toe is …um…especially…
ALIEN: But what does that have to do with tights?
THE SMARTEST HUMAN REPRESENTATIVE ON OUR PLANET: Well…the tights…um… We test the tights’ resistance to stretching by using…um… the camel toes.
ALIEN: That is extremely unfortunate to hear. Animal testing is expressly forbidden within our federation. We do not abide with any kind of mistreatment of animals.
HUMAN: Oh, no, no one is being mistreated. It’s just…um…
ALIEN: You must put a stop to it at once if you want to be considered as a legitimate candidate to our federation.
HUMAN: Sure. No problem. We’ll ban tights planet-wide.
See you,